Wow, has it really been that long? I guess you can say working full time at the hospital and as a mommy really take up a lot of my time!! Just ask my husband, poor thing hasn't had a home cooked meal in MONTHS!! I just don't have the time. There's always laundry waiting to be done, dishes stacked in the sink, and toys all over the place. I'm up at 5:00 to get me and Alyssa ready, don't get off work till 6:00, come home, feed me, feed Aly, take my shower, give Aly her bath, then it's just about our bedtime! Whew! I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
Well, let's catch up shall we?
Alyssa is now 7 months old. She is sitting by herself, rolling over by herself, and scooting (backwards). She has her first tooth, she's eating baby food, and she's just growing up way too fast! She will be getting tubes in her ears on Jan. 11 because we've had 5 ear infections and 2 busted ear drums. No fun!! Her Daddy and I also went on a cruise in December for our 3 year anniversary and left Alyssa with her grandparents. My first time away and it was to another country!! That one was rough but we all survived!
I'll try to post some pictures later. Right now, I have to go fold towels.